5 Trends in your Leads strategy 2020
The Generation of Leads has always played an important role in the success of each company. Every company needs to generate leads to ensure its growth and be competitive in the market.
There are thousands of strategies – we already saw it in our Lead Generation article – however, with this new year new trends arrive for the generation of leads that we cannot ignore and that we must carefully analyze to determine whether or not it applies to our strategy.
In this article we leave you the 5 trends of Lead Generation that LeadMarket considers important for this 2020:
1. Influencers Marketing
Every year this trend becomes stronger. Today there are influencer for any type of product and their followers tend to rely more and more on their advice and apply them in their day to day.
This tendency is usually more used by B2C companies, however, there are also brands or companies that plays as an influencerand that B2B companies use them a lot.
Below is a small account of what companies invested in this strategy last year.

2. Social Media Ads
Social networks continue to grow and the concept has changed, it is no longer only used to connect with old friends, but users are increasingly active with brands giving their opinions and looking for purchase options.
We must be where our customers are, and that is where we must deploy our strategy to publicize why our service or product is essential for our client.
According to one of the latest reports of “Shopper Experience“, Bazaarvoice, reveals that consumers through social networks have increased by 38% in the last 12 months. And every time people value more the visual content of a product.
A trend that we cannot leave behind and that we must invest more time and quality in our content and its format.
3. Video Marketing
The trend of the video continues, however, few companies have adopted it.
It is time to start implementing it and take advantages in the market.
There are several types of videos that you can start implementing in your strategy:
- Affordable videos
- Custom videos
- 360 video
- Videos in stories
- IGTV and vertical videos
- Video vloging for companies
- Live videos
- Elearning videos
Choose what type of video you are going to implement in this 2020 and increase your leads to the maximum!
4. Email Marketing
It continues to be a trend. More than 3 billion people in 2020 will use an email to communicate, receive proposals, answer questions, subscribe, etc. In other words, more than half of the population in the world will use an email. A great universe of opportunities.
This strategy must be well thought out and segmented. It is estimated that the opening rate for personalized emails is 18% on average. In addition, 59% of B2B companies use it as an effective tool for the acquisition of leads.
We invite you to see many more reasons why we cannot leave email Marketing aside: https://neetwork.com/estadisticas-de-email-marketing/
5. Chatbots
This is something that is being used frequently and that promises a lot in the coming years. Despite some criticisms about the lack of rational response that can give chatbots to a client, this has been resolved with programs that generate a personalized response to each request that the client requests.
This also generates speed in the response to the public and allows companies to implement 24/7 assistance.
It is estimated that 47% of companies use chatbots for customer service and another 40% for assistance. (ReveChat)
For this new year, Chatbots are expected to be much more human, more intelligent and able to solve more elaborate questions. It is also expected that it can simplify processes that cost a company millions of euros. See more advantages of chatbots here: https://www.revechat.com/blog/chatbots-trends-stats/
Evaluate your marketing strategies and implement innovative things that provide better customer services. Do not forget also the classic strategies, such as Email Marketing, and its success within the B2B segment.
Start this 2020 ahead of your competitors with the best Lead Generation strategy for your company.
From LeadMarket, with more than 10 years of experience creating business opportunities for large multinationals, we help you make an evaluation and implement the best strategy for your company.